Can you imagine that obesity has tripled all over the globe in less than half a century?
With more obesity research that enhanced our understanding of obesity, it turns out that obesity is no longer just an increase in body weight. Several consequences have emerged to turn obesity into a phenomenon that carries a significant seriousness that should be paid attention to and faced early before it becomes more challenging and difficult to control.
Well… to stand against something we should be well aware of its causes and consequences so that we can prepare well to overcome it.
What is obesity? And why should we start treating obesity as soon as possible!
What is obesity or morbid obesity?
Obesity is medically defined as the increased accumulation of fat in the body to the level that begins to pose a risk to human health.
In order to initially diagnose or measure obesity, we use the Body Mass Index “BMI”.
You only need two information to know your BMI… your weight (in kilograms) and your height (in meters); Then you get the BMI by dividing the weight by the square of the height.
You can easily know it using our BMI Calculator.
According to the BMI result:
⇨ Below 18.5 → Underweight.
⇨ 18.5 to 24.9 → Normal weight.
⇨ 25 to 29.9 → Overweight.
⇨ 30 and above → Obesity.
⇨ 40 and above → Extreme or morbid obesity.
The BMI gives us an approximate measure of a person’s weight relative to his height and not a measure of the percentage of fat or its distribution in the body. So, we may use more accurate measurements (such as Skinfold Thickness, Waist Circumference … etc.) to measure obesity and the distribution of body fat.
“The increasing obesity rate among children has recently become a major concern; Because it means increased chances of continued obesity after puberty and accordingly exposure to complications of obesity such as breathing difficulties and increased risk of fractures or high insulin resistance, etc. And needless to mention the psychological effects. So, we should pay early attention and begin immediately treating childhood obesity before it becomes a source of any risk.”
What are the consequences and risks of obesity?
Obesity or morbid obesity exposes people to complications or health problems that vary according to the excess body weight, the distribution of body fat, and the condition of each person.
The possible complications include:
- Type 2 diabetes.
Several studies link between obesity and type 2 diabetes. - Hypertension.
- Hyperlipidemia.
- Cardiovascular disease (mainly heart disease and stroke).
- Gallbladder diseases.
- Joint and bone diseases.
- Obstructive sleep apnea, and breathing problems in general.
- Some chronic inflammations.
- Some types of cancer (breast, colon, or endometrial).
- Mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, poor self-confidence, or Social Withdrawal Syndrome.
- Body pain and difficulty performing daily tasks.
- Fatty liver.
- Fertility problems in men and women.
What are the causes of obesity?
- Consistent consumption of foods rich in sugars and fats (high-calorie foods) in amounts exceeding the daily need of the body… And with the body storage of extra calories in the form of fat, obesity arises in the long term.
- Inactive lifestyle.
- Not getting enough sleep or staying up late regularly, may cause hormonal changes that make you feel hungry and crave some high-calorie food.
- Pregnancy.
It can sometimes be difficult to lose weight gained during pregnancy. - Some diseases can result in obesity, such as:
– Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
– Hypothyroidism.
– Arthritis, as the pain makes the patient much less active.
Some factors may make people more vulnerable to obesity, such as:
- Genetics.
- Aging, which may lead to reduced muscle mass and slow metabolism.
- Depression or some mental disorder sometimes leads to obesity, as a person resorts to eating for emotional comfort or to escape stress. Some antidepressants can also cause weight gain.
- Quitting smoking may be accompanied by weight gain; So it is important to focus on diet and exercise while you quit smoking.
- Certain medications (such as corticosteroids or birth control pills) can cause obesity in the long run.
Obesity treatment
The good news is that obesity can be treated effectively, especially when the initial cause is treated adequately; which guarantees the maintenance of the results. Obesity can also be avoided and prevented.
Obesity treatment options include:
- Changing dietary habits and increasing physical activity according to your endurance and metabolic rate; With the help of a qualified medical team.
- Receiving psychological support from a specialist to overcome any anxiety, depression, or emotional problems that could cause eating disorders.
- Drug therapy, to limit fats absorption or reduce appetite. But these medications may cause undesired side effects, such as flatulence and fatty or oily stool.
Diet and exercise must be adhered to alongside these medications. - When the previous methods fail, bariatric surgery (such as sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass … etc.) provides the best solution; especially for those who are morbidly obese or have obesity-related diseases. It is an important step on the path to obesity treatment that efficiently prepares patients to start a healthy lifestyle.
Your doctor may advise you to lose some weight before having bariatric surgery. Getting ready for the surgery includes consulting specialists to ensure the patient’s mental and physical readiness for the operation and the subsequent lifestyle changes. This is the cornerstone for success in losing weight and gaining a new healthy life.